The Free Fur All – Maddie’s Matchmaker Adoptathon last weekend was so much fun! We had a lot of great stories from the event. Here are just a few:
Dave Duffield, founder of the Maddie’s Fund, and his daughter, Laurie Peek, visited Oakland Animal Services and got a full tour by Oakland Raider’s Jarrod Cooper. He introduced Mr. Duffield to Kansas, one of our very favorite dogs in adoption. This was Mr. Duffield’s first time meeting a pit bull and it sure seemed like he liked it!
Jarrod Cooper, of course, had to stop during the tour with Mr. Duffield to give this mastiff some attention.
We’ve already heard a lot of happy stories from very happy adopters. This photo is from Missy Kissy’s adopters right after she got home from the shelter – she sure did make herself comfortable!
The Easterbrooks wrote to tell us about Cary: We are thrilled that so many pets were adopted over the weekend adopt-a-thon! We are even MORE thrilled with Carys (formerly Milly), who came home with us on Saturday! She loves her new home, her new bed, her toys, and us! We are so happy; she is incredibly sweet, playful, loving, and smart! After only 2 days, she is well on her way to being house trained, sits and stays, and is learning the new house rules very quickly. She is having fun in the back yard, going for long walks, and playing like the perfect puppy she is (she already knows how to fetch a ball, bring it back, and drop it in Mommy’s hand)! Thank you for a wonderful experience.
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