Picture courtesy of Oakland Wiki
[Quick links to letters of support from: FOAS and Shelter Directors]
Things are looking up for East Bay cats! You might recall the outcry this past December when it came to light that the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) was routinely shooting cats living in the parks, many presumably abandoned there by their owners. Friends of Oakland Animal Services (FOAS), along with a coalition of the East Bay’s municipal shelters, including Oakland Animal Services (OAS), joined many others in decrying this cruel practice and offering support with humane alternatives.
On Thursday, February 25, the EBRPD Natural Resources Committee will hold a meeting during which they will recommend a new policy regarding free-roaming cats, emphasizing work with local municipal shelters, including Oakland Animal Services, to humanely trap and remove cats from sensitive habitats and education measures to prevent abandonment of cats at regional parks.
FOAS has sent a letter of support of this draft policy, along with OAS and the coalition of East Bay Animal Agencies. You can read the full text of their letters below.
FOAS Letter of Support
Subject: FOAS supports EBRPD draft policy on free-roaming cats and abandoned pets
To: The Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District
Colin Coffey
Ellen Corbett
Elizabeth Echols
Beverly Lane
Dee Rosario
Dennis Waespi
Ayn Wieskamp
We, the Board of the Friends of Oakland Animal Services (FOAS), are writing in support of the EBRPD draft policy to be considered at the February 25 committee meeting regarding free-roaming cats and abandoned pets on park property. In the letter we sent in December we asked that EBRPD commit to ending lethal removal, collaborate with experts at local shelters and animal organizations, and educate the public to discourage the abandonment of pets on park property.
While lethal removal has not been banned, we are encouraged that the emphasis of the proposed policy is on preventing the need to use lethal methods through a comprehensive and multi-faceted strategy. We are heartened to learn that the Park District has been collaborating with local municipal shelters, including Oakland Animal Services, and that these partnerships will be incorporated into operating agreements for long-term management. We are also pleased that EBRPD proposes to commit resources to educate the public on pet abandonment through enhanced signage, informational campaigns, and community outreach.
FOAS continues to offer a collaborative partnership to enable the EBRPD to adhere to humane policies regarding free-roaming cats and abandoned pets.
To this end, please contact us any time:
Friends of Oakland Animal Services Board of Directors:
Lindsay Dadko
Emily Derenthal
Emily Fox
Erin Patch
Ken Robinson
Trish Roque
Yvonne Tsang
East Bay Shelters’ Letter of Support
Note: this letter is in PDF and is 3 pages long. The letter may be downloaded here.