The lovely dog to the left is Serena, a former long-term resident at OAS, who is now happily in a home with a Dad and Mom who love her! Isn’t it obvious?
Have you adopted a pet from Oakland Animal Services?
Oakland’s only open admissions shelter
The lovely dog to the left is Serena, a former long-term resident at OAS, who is now happily in a home with a Dad and Mom who love her! Isn’t it obvious?
Have you adopted a pet from Oakland Animal Services?
For services such as bringing in stray animals, general questions, etc. For adoptions, see separate hours below.
Mon 11-5pm
Tue by appointment*
Wed by appointment*
Thu 11-7pm
Fri 11-5pm
Sat 11-5pm
Sun 11-5pm
*call 510-535-5602
See adoption process here.
Thu 12-7pm
Fri 12-3pm
Sat 12-3pm
Sun 12-3pm
Proud recipient of funding from Maddie’s Fund® #ThanksToMaddie
1101 29th Avenue,
Oakland, CA 94601
Fax: 510.535.5601
Phone: 510.535.5602
Relay Service 711
For Urgent Service:
Call the Oakland Police
Non-Emergency Dispatch Line:
In cases of emergency, call 911 (land line) or 510-777-3211 (cell phone).
Quick links to: Adoptions, Lost and Found Pets, Dog Licensing
Jan 1 & 20, Feb 17, Mar 31, May 26, June 19,
Jul 4, Sep 1, Nov 11, Nov 27 & 28, Dec 25
Randi says
Here I am again, it’s me Louie aka Spud. I’m the one on my back!. The little black and white one in the back is my brother Duncan. Him and I play together all day long!
Randi says
I enjoy taking a break when on a walk, it’s nice and relaxing. I love to smell the air and see all the different things each day. My name is Louie aka Spud.
Carrie says
I adopted Rupert Giles just under 3 years ago. I wanted a cat but left with a tiny kitten and I had to wait 2 weeks to get him as he was too small to get neutered right away.
Needless to say it’s been a crazy 3 years but he is such a curious and social creature! He loves people and staring out the window and talking to me about his day when I get home.
And he has become something of a presence, in size and personality. Everyone loves him, I take him for walks on a leash (I live too close to the freeway to let him out) and he only gets the best cat food. Spoiled, but content.
My niece came from SF and adopted a cat only a few months after me and recently adopted a cute dog from OAS as well! Keep up the great work!
I look forward to a long life with Rupert and thanks OAS for all you do!
Michele G says
I adopted Keezy for OAS in October 2012 as a companion for my three year old cat. I found Keezy on the website and was in love before I even met him. I’ve had many cats in m life, but none with the energy or huge personality that Keezy possesses. He truly makes me laugh all the time with his antics or mischievous behavior. Besides a fantastic personality, he has brought my other cat Maddy out of her shell. They are inseparable. Thanks OAS and the staff for my wonderful ilittle guy 🙂
Pi Piraeus says
This is Shadow and Moose, both came from OAS as puppies. My husband and I adopted Shadow about a year ago and my good friend adopted Moose around the same time, and now they are best friends for life! We love these guys so much! Thanks OAS!!!
Emily and Ethan says
We brought Rosie (2yrs) home about 4 months ago (tortie on right) to be a companion to our cat Woodchuck (9 yrs left), and boy was it a match made in heaven, as you can see by the hand holding! We knew right when we met her that they were meant to be together. She’s very happy spending her days sleeping on her cat tree, running around with Woodchuck, sitting next to you telling you all about her day, or sweet talking you into giving her a treat. We were so pleased with the adoption process, and couldn’t be more in love. Our family is complete 🙂
Kevin and Sonia says
We brought home Tig (yes we are fans of SOA) yesterday. We couldn’t be happier with the entire adoption process. Today Tig went to the spa and got some much needed love.
Lynda says
Here’s another picture of Princess Daisy visiting her Grandma’s. She is a very special girl who has brought much joy to everyone she meets…I’d like to add that the staff at OAS is the kindest and most informed of any shelter. Thank you!
Lynda Gamblin says
Here’s Daisy ( left, with her paws crossed) with pals at her “day camp”, AnnaBee’s in Pacifica.
; )
Kendall flint says
This is Miss Beatrix Kiddo aka BB – we adopted her almost six years ago. She sleeps in bed underneath the covers. Clearly a lady of leisure 🙂 She was joined two years later by another OAS pup – Miss Lilu Dallas. She’s been all over California, travels like a champ. Spoiled? Oh yes! Clearly a vicious girl right?
Sarah Chase & Timi Devlin says
Fours months ago we adopted Bug formerly known as Boots and officially Mr Bugsy Boots McDogster. He is awesome. We were looking for a friend for our dog Lulubelle and he is the perfect match. She is crazy for him and they love to play. He is doing amazing at doggy school and loves other dogs and people. He makes us laugh and is one of the sweetest, smartest and most confident dogs that I have ever known. Yes he has stolen my heart and Lulu’s and Timi’s. Our house now has more love, more laughter and more fun with the Bug. When out for a walk with Bug people will stop us to meet him and we highly recommend to everyone to adopt from OAS! Thank you for all the great work that you do OAS and we love our Bug!
Randi says
Just pulled up at home, been playing at the dog park! I had so much fun, I’m exhausted! Going inside now for a nice long nap.
By the way, I’m Louie, aka Spud.
Elizabeth Fein says
Picture of Meyer!
Elizabeth Fein says
We adopted Meyer previously known as Beaver about 2 weeks ago. He is a dream dog. He already knows sit, down, stand, off, leave it, drop it, come, and we are working on heel. He is very good at the dog park and has just started playing with other dogs. He always looks for us if he wanders off too far chasing birds and will bolt straight to us if called. He is very polite with kids and my daughter loves playing ball with him. He does bark at the neighbor dogs if left outside but we are working with him on that. We were also told he was a cattle dog mix, but he doesn’t act like a cattle dog at all. He is very mellow and the only time he really gets going is when he is chasing birds. I suspect he has some German short haired Pointer in him because he looks and acts like one. His vet even said he looks like a miniature Pointer (if there were such a thing). We love him lots and he is a wonderful dog!
Kelsey Gauthier says
We adopted Lando (formerly Romeo) from OAS about three weeks ago. He is really settling into his new home and life, and we adore him. Thanks OAS!
Ingrid says
We adopted Charlie in March of 2011. He weighed only 5 pounds and had worms and giardia. He immediately stole everyone’s heart–he loves to sleep curled up under the covers, always wants to be in your lap, loves other dogs, and gives plenty of kisses to everyone he meets. He soon got his worms cleared up, and, with help from his trainer and everyone around him, turned into the most well-behaved, sweet little guy around. Here he is starting his latest chapter with Grandma and Grandpa in Oslo, Norway!
Beth says
On the day before Christmas Eve, my fiancee and I adopted Scrappy, a 6.5 year old jack russell terrier (potentially a mix?) from Oakland Animal Services. He was very shy and timid when we first brought him home. It’s been a month now, and Scrappy has come out of his shell! He’s so well-behaved (the star of his training classes) and very smart (he’s learned a number of new tricks already!). He’s also very calm and loves nothing more than a good nap on his new couch or a good chew session on his favorite plush toy. He’s settled in so well to his new life and my fiancee and I are head over heels for him. We feel so fortunate to have found such a wonderful companion and are so happy he is part of our family.
Rachel Sultan says
We adopted Max (previously Wyatt, ~ 1/12 years old)in late 2012. We were looking for a third cat to join our current two kitties. We had high expectations–a cat who got along with other cats, who was playful (our 7-year olds needed some exercise!) but understood limits (no excess use of claws when excited). Max fits into our household beautifully! He likes to play with people and cats, enjoys getting underfoot when food is around, gazing out the window at the front yard (ie. “cat TV”)and getting lots of pets from his humans. In the last few months he has blossomed from a scared cat who wouldn’t come out from under the bed to the cat that runs to the door with the rest of the furry mob when he hears the key turn in the lock. We are working on trust issues with men, but even in that, he has come such a long way! Thank you for giving us the changce to adopt our sweet, gentle, silly Max.
Karen Kucharski says
My husband and I adopted MJ, a two year old, black and white male chihuahua back in April. It turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. We renamed him BUDDY and now he is living a life of pampered luxury with a retired dad who walks him in the park every day. He is the little brother of our 5 year old terrier rescue, LADY. Buddy and Lady are famous in our neighborhood where they keep watch at the window for Mom to come home from school. Thank you so much for saving this little dog until we could meet up. He’d been with you guys 6 weeks when we adopted him! I just wanted to be sure you guys knew how much we love him and what he has done for the entire family. Truly, we don’t know what we did without him.
Lehna Cohen says
2 years ago in January a star came into our lives. Wandering through life without purpose, we adopted a beautiful Mini Lop now by the name of Bubba Theodore Cohen (the first) He has shown us a new way of living, now life seems unimaginable without our adopted son. He brings joy, laughter and warmth into our household. Together, we enjoy love walks in the enclosed pen, romantic dinners of hay and carrots, and the occasional bunny snuggle. Thank you so much for letting us adopt our fuzzy friend, he never will leave our hearts.
Lehna, Julie and Bubbie <3
Anneli says
I adopted Vriska in September. She was a shell. She was scared stiff when we met. She also had nearly no fur. I took her home and we named her Vriska. Now, she’s a happy, lovable dog with fluffy black and white fur all over. Here she is watching my mom baking for Christmas. I am so glad she is part of my family.
Joanna Pugliese says
Christmas time had become depressing for us after putting one dog to sleep 12/16/11, then putting our other sweet dog to sleep 12/19/12. We found our home to be terribly quiet and empty. My husband looked on the Shelter’s website and spotted “Silvia”. We went to the Shelter on 12/23/12 and that was it; mutual love at first sight! We adopted her, brought her home, and have renamed her Junebug. She is Shepherd mix (maybe some kangaroo or jack rabbit in her) now 9 weeks old, and the happiest puppy we’ve ever met. She is fearless, loves wet grass and people and has completely taken over our home and hearts. She is visiting daily with her “cousin”, Olive (3 yr old cattle dog mix) who my daughter also adopted from the Shelter.
Paige says
I adopted Budget Bardot a year ago. When I met her, it was love at first sight! I’ve never looked back, and I know that without her my life wouldn’t be nearly as full as it is today.
Tally says
We adopted Samson (formerly Sylvio) four days ago from the shelter. He already has brought so much happiness and joy to our house with his hilarious personality. His puppy antics always keep us busy! He is such a special dog, so friendly and already incredibly willing to learn. He is making incredible progress in his training already, and we are so excited to have welcomed a new furry member to our family!
Aki & Troy James says
We are way overdue to thank OAS for our wonderful second child. Our Pit Bull, Dexter was a chunky 38 lb 6 month old when we adopted him. He is now a 72 lb grown boy, who boasts the Hollywood “young Russell Crowe” look!
He’s known as a lady lover in the neighborhood who insists to “FRENCH kiss” every women he encounters, but, NOOOO, Dexter!!! Since he’s a true California dude, he gives you a “High Five” on the street and makes your day. He and his sister, Chihuahua mix, sit & stay nicely in our condo lobby and elevator that never fails bringing a smile on our neighbors’ face.
I found our Pit Bull is way nicer than 98% of human population… seriously. The Dalai Lama would beat him any day though, since he is greedy when it comes to a piece of KFC. Our Chihuahua mix, on the other hand, should be outlawed… however, she is still nicer than 67% people I meet.
I owe you, Megan, Martha, Amy H., for giving us the most precious gift – our kids. Thank you for saving their lives and look after them. You picked a perfect first Pit for us. Dexter has been the best gift Troy EVER got – he’s much better than a flat screen TV AND a NFL channel – there’s a strong “daddy & son” male bonding going on. And for mom (me)… thank you for keeping my sanity when Dexter was young and acting like a 14 year old “HUMAN” teenage brat!
Way to go OAS – It’s not an easy work for a fainthearted, but I think what you do day in & day out is TRULY amazing.
Lisa Van Tassel says
We adopted “Bagel” now “Maxx” on 9/22. He has been a wonderful addition to the family. Here is our Holiday photo of Maxx – he wishes for all the animales as OAS to find a home for the Holidays and Thanks all the volunteers who cared for him while he was at OAS.
Anna says
Here’s another picture of Zorro & L.P. together at the beach.
Anna says
We had talked about getting a dog for a while, but it was only when I lost my 14 year old cat Nadja, that I started looking for a dog. My partner, Ray envisioned a medium sized dog, but when my daughter knew I was looking for a rescue dog, she told me that the two most surrendered breeds were chihuahuas and pit bulls. Since we still had two other cats at home, he reluctantly agreed to the smaller dog.
When I first met Zorro he was wearing a cone of shame, having just been neutered a few days before. The volunteer warned me that chihuahuas aren’t friendly initially, but Zorro let me pet him and let me pick him up. It was a Sunday, was leaving town and couldn’t take him that day, and since they can’t save them for you, I spent the rest of the week hoping he would still be there on Friday…. and he was!!!
When I first took him out of the shelter, he wasn’t sure what was going on, but by the time we got home we both knew this was love. At first Zorro traveled with me and we formed an incredible bond, but the best part was that Ray discovered that chihuahuas may be small, but they have HUGE hearts. Zorro gave us so much that last April we adopted LP, another little guy who’s just as lovable. They enjoy walks around the city, but especially enjoy exploring trails, local dog parks… but their absolutely favorite thing is to run along Ocean Beach.
Can’t tell you how grateful I am to you for taking Zorro in and taking care of him until I arrived to give him his forever home… and L.P. thanks you for indirectly making his adoption possible as well!
Randi says
Louie aka Spud
My perfect little guy!
Betsy Smith says
Twilight, now Mocha, and Trinity,now Latte, adopted Dec. 3rd are still living in the bathroom. They love to be held and cuddled. They always purr when picked up. They are aware of the dog on the other side of the door and he is aware of them. They do not yet try to get out of the room.
Ed & Kris Wallach says
Penny just had her first anniversary in her forever home. We adopted her via OAS on December 3, 2011. She is well behaved and a big hit with our friends and family and their dogs. She socializes well at dog park and in the neighborhood.
Thank you for bringing us together. She brings much love into our home.
Christa says
Thank you Oakland Animal Shelter for giving our puppy Nessie (Isolde) some good puppy skills. She is already well socialized and loves people and other dogs. She’s also very eager to learn and her training is going great. I think she’s pretty close to perfect – a happy, joyful girl that loves to play and cuddle.
It was a little scary going down to the shelter — I wasn’t sure if it would be incredibly sad. But it was actually a good experience. I could see that the animals are getting good care. I hope they all find homes.
Kayley says
My girlfriend and I instantly fell in love with Graicy (originally named Sandy) the instant we saw her. We took her home and after a few days she was well adjusted to our home. At first we thought she would be shy and calm all the time, but then she really started to warm up to us and become super frisky and full of life, which made us fall in love with her even more. Now we cant imagine life without her. She is amazing and we feel so lucky to get the chance to be parents to such an awesome dog.
Tara says
We adopted Sigourney (we call her “Kitten”) from OAS several months ago. We thought she was quiet and demure during our visit time at the shelter, boy were we wrong! She completely runs the house. She is in and out of cupboards, her toys are all over the house, she steals sponges and she isn’t afraid to give our chihuahuas a smack on the bum if they get out of line. She is a total character and hilarious, I am glad we added her to our mix!
Shannon says
Adopted the Dachshund/lab mix named Royal. Changed his name to Sam and he’s starting to really adjust to life at home. He started out very shy and afraid, but with a little patience and a few treats, he calmed down within a day. The people at oas are amazing, engaging, and really care about the animals. Had a great experience getting our family’s new boy. thanks oas!
Don says
I’ve had a great experience with OAS! It all started when I went to visit the Maddie’s Adopt-a-thon booth at Bay Street in Emeryville in early June. A couple of dogs caught my attention, Kazoo and Timon.
After discussing both dogs with my family, we decided to go visit OAS! We were helped by very friendly and accommodating volunteer, Alva. Alva was very helpful in showing us dogs at the shelter and genuinely showed how much she cares for animals, in particular dogs. I took my family to the shelter and my mom immediately was drawn to Kazoo. I wanted a dog by the name of Timon. We were torn but ultimately went with Kazoo.
Since we adopted Kazoo at the end of June, she has been a great dog. She is a little puppy who has added so much happiness and joy to our family. We could not be happier. If you have not adopted an animal before, definitely do so from OAS versus buying one. These animals need your help!
Lastly, I wanted to close it out by thanking Alva again for her help. I kept in touch with her after adopting Kazoo asking her to help Timon, the dog that we did not adopt. She enlisted the help with her other friends at OAS and they created flyers and some new profile pictures. Ultimately, Timon found a happy home as well through the help of OAS and Idaho Humane Society.
Without people that care about animals, especially dogs, like the OAS, we would not be able to have this wonderful addition to our family.
Thank you Alva and friends at the OAS!
Kim Jones + Acacia Gonsalves says
First off thanks to Friends of The Shelter Andy and Mindy who covered her entire adoption fee without us even knowing it, she ended up being free and we just happened to get this one “lucky” cat which just happens to be what her name already meant the day we got her, “Felicienne.” Ain’t that somethin we also ended up finding out she was one famous cat when we typed in her name on the internet, just put in “Felicienne cat.” That’s another somethin. This is an all black cat, she is lucky, and special, and is good luck, and fortunate. This is what her name actually means. Ain’t that another somethin. She was adopted on 9/9 on a friday.
Anyway felicienne is doing great. She is the epitome of a lady, as a cat. Extremely playful and vibrant, hyper and jumpity for an old cat. That’s another somethin. She is way TOO WILD and full of energy for her age, as an old cat, who looks extremely young by the way, that’s a good thing and good way. Like a spitball of fire. You go girl!
The Potter Family says
Martha (the black pup) and David (poodle) are livin the good life. They were adopted from the shelter in Sept of 2010. They are inseparable. By the way, they shoved me out of the bed and i slept on the sofa! Cheers!!
The Potter Family
Aekta says
Kali (formerly Petra) is doing so wonderfully!
Kali came home on Tuesday and has just been blossoming – every day is a new adventure with her. She loves play hunting and will patiently stalk the feather wand or ping pong ball or a scrap of cardboard (or sometimes my feet at night under the covers) like the little tigress that she is. She is proving to be quite acrobatic, catching objects in mid-air is becoming a specialty of hers.
And once hunt is over – she loves to flop over on her back and get a nice long belly rubdown – with her purr-engine going for hours.
While she still prefers sleeping in her own corner – independent little gal that she is – complete with a large (cat-safe) plant and a window-sill that overlooks Oakland’s skyline, she will happily cuddle up for naptime when the mood strikes.
We miss all our friends (furry and non) at OAS, and send lots of love and well wishes to all. Thank you for all that you did to unite Kali and I, and all the wonderful work you continue to do!
With gratitude,
-Kali and Aekta
Piper says
I just got Cloud a couple days ago. He is a pretty perfect little dude. Hes great at hiding, cuddling, flipping his toys around, looking adorable or totally silly. He’s curious and can be brave but is quite careful and clever. He makes me look forward to coming home. So far he hasn’t gone beyond the balcony but we’ll see.
Sydney says
Nine years ago I adopted my first dog, a two year old toy poodle. He is the best dog in the world (sorry folks). Both of his favorite girlfriends, Nina and then Tina moved to other neighborhoods and I, in my advanced years, am not the playmate he deserves.
I began researching online and through Petfinder, came across OAS. We checked out three adorable dogs and like Goldilocks found one to be “just right.” Pollyanna is now so very glad to be a member of our family. She is the first to enthusiastically jump, lick and cuddle whenever she sees us. Over on her back, under our arm, across our neck, this is one snuggler. And while she and Spirit have not yet begun to romp, they get along as if they’ve known each other for years.
(You must lay on your left side to view the photo-don’t ask…)
Pam Fischer and Eric Eliott says
Dave is livin’ large.
He’s found a few favorite places to hang out, done lots of exploring around the property, been on daily strolls, made an appearance at the doggy happy hour at Strawberry Creek Park, got to know everybody at the office, and helped me wash the car.
Gaye McIlwaine says
Adopting our kitty Kirby couldn’t have been an easier or better experience! The staff at OAS was so friendly and helpful! We didn’t go to the Art and Soul Festival with the intent to even see much less adopt a kitten but that’s exactly what happened when we laid eyes on this beautiful Kitty!
We’ve only had Kirby since Monday but he is already a part of our family and he seems to be very happy to be here!
Thank You OAS!
Gillian Chao says
My husband and I were looking for a small dog to keep our dog Sugar company after recently losing our other dog Biscuit. After scouring and visiting multiple shelters, we ended up at OAS on New Year’s Eve. Chewy (originally named Oakley) was not out in one of the front kennels, but luckily I had him on a list from my research. He was just so cute!! and luckily he got along with Sugar so we took him home. We could tell he’d come from a not-so-good environment previously, but after grooming, good feeding (he’s up to a healthy 16 lbs now!), and lots of love and attention, he’s really come out of his shell and has so much personality! He’s a happy little guy. This picture is when we took him hiking and he got a little tired. We love him so much and are so grateful to OAS for saving him and taking care of him until we could find him.
Sophia and Sky says
My boyfriend and I have been in cat withdrawal since we moved to the bay area two years ago. We are poor college students so up until now getting a cat would have been really irresponsible. Finally we are in a good place and decided we must get a cat! We stayed up late looking through all the cats on pet finder and settled on two we liked at the Oakland Animal Services. We wanted a kitten but knew with school and our small place a kitten would be too needy for our busy schedules. We settled on two 1-2 year old cats “Amelia” and “Sally” before going to the shelter. At the shelter we were impressed by Sally’s sad eyes and little black nose. We still looked over all the cats and kittens but when it came time to meet them out of the cage it only took five minutes with our first cat, Sally, before we knew we wanted her. The volunteer actually had to tell us it was required to spend more time with her before adopting which we happily agreed too. At home Sally, who we renamed Ophelia, or Ophey for short, was shy but adventurous. She did not want to sit on our laps or be held but wanted to petted and scratched as much as we could, and loved to look under the sofa, in the closet and follow us around like a duckling. That first night we thought she might never be a cuddly cat or one that was very interested in toys because she showed no interest at all in the things we had bought for her, usually completely ignoring them regardless of if they were sitting on her head. In the few days since we adopted her she became very playful when she feels like it. She still has times she doesn’t she any interest at all in her toys, even acting like they don’t exists, but then suddenly a powerful urge to play will come over her and she will run around batting at her toys. She even grew to like sitting on our lap. It has taken almost a week but yesterday she feel asleep on my lap. All in all she was just what we were hoping for and we are very happy to have her entertaining us and warming our laps while we watch TV, and being a great friend.
Marina says
I had been thinking about expanding my family of one cat (Mini-me) and a dog (Winky, lhasa apso) for a while but I wasn’t sure when the right time was. One day, I decided to look into volunteering at OAS and while I was there, I saw and immediately fell in love with a 6 mos. old brown Shih Tzu and knew he was the right one for me and my “kids”. I adopted him in February 2012 and we couldn’t be happier. He’s been a great addition and I can’t imagine not having him as part of our family. In the picture I’ve attached taken shortly after I adopted Ziggy, Ziggy and Winky are in the car with me to go to their favorite park for a walk. Ziggy just had his surgery thus the cone around his neck. Thanks so much to OAS for the great work!
Claire says
I stopped in the shelter last December to drop off cat beds when I thought I would just “look around”. I had lost one kitty (of 3) in recent months but I was determined to hold off on a new adoption. Until I saw MY KITTY sitting in the shelter. I knew it was her. When the volunteers took me to see other cats, I kept going back to her. She came home with me, met the other 2 male cats and has been a wonderful addition. She is sweet and loving, playful and enjoys her sun baths. (and dinner)
Dwan McCarthy says
June 4, 2011, we adopted a beautiful puppy during Maddie’s Adopt-a-thon; OAS called her Millie, but we changed her name to Carys, which means “love” in Welsh. From the first day, she knew she was home, and she is the joy of our lives. For anyone who remembers her (sweet German Shepherd mix with enormous ears and paws, and a white-tipped tail), here is a picture of Carys (Millie) now. Thank you so much for saving our baby and taking care of her ’til we were smart enough to show up and let her adopt us!
Dan Burr says
Three weeks ago, my partner Aaron I adopted Emma (formerly Vanilla) from the shelter and couldn’t be happier. A couple of months ago, we lost our Staffy of 14 years; “EQ” and were ready to take in another family member. The choice was a tough one between three pooches and I knew from the second I saw her in her pen she’d be coming home with us. The first day was a challenge as i acquired a few leash burns on my hands from walking her but a prong collar fix that the next day and she’s been a dream since. She’s a quick learner and the most loving dag I think I’ve had. THANK YOU GUYS for leading us to Emma and we’ll see you at Doggie School soon!
Randal Blair says
OAS is the best! I went to OAS to see about fostering a dog but happened to arrive on Maddies Day Adoptathon. After meeting a few adorable dogs, Boots, Vanilla and the sweet Patti Cakes, I met “Becky.” It was a perfect match. I have had dogs for over 40 years, mostly pound rescues and strays and I must say I have never had a dog that was so smart, so sweet, playful, and intuitive. I must admit, I couldn’t stick with the name “Becky” so she had her name changed to “Lola Baby Girl” Usually its “Baby Girl.” I am socializing her every day with all the dogs and neighbors around Grand and Lakeshore. I find that people are put at ease when they hear a name like “Baby Girl.” It’s “Lola” when I really need her attention or with the command to come.
It has only been a little over a week now and Lola has trained so fast I can’t believe it. She is so eager to please that sometimes she will try everything she knows just to hear “Good Girl.” Lola definitely like to keep an eye on me so she is usually in the same room with me.
I especially want to thank the volunteers that day who took the time to talk with me and were so excited and knew “Becky” would be such a good match. They were right and Lola is one happy dog and I am one lucky human.