The lovely dog to the left is Serena, a former long-term resident at OAS, who is now happily in a home with a Dad and Mom who love her! Isn’t it obvious?
Have you adopted a pet from Oakland Animal Services?
Oakland’s only open admissions shelter
The lovely dog to the left is Serena, a former long-term resident at OAS, who is now happily in a home with a Dad and Mom who love her! Isn’t it obvious?
Have you adopted a pet from Oakland Animal Services?
For services such as bringing in stray animals, general questions, etc. For adoptions, see separate hours below.
Mon 11-5pm
Tue by appointment*
Wed by appointment*
Thu 11-7pm
Fri 11-5pm
Sat 11-5pm
Sun 11-5pm
*call 510-535-5602
See adoption process here.
Thu 12-7pm
Fri 12-3pm
Sat 12-3pm
Sun 12-3pm
Proud recipient of funding from Maddie’s Fund® #ThanksToMaddie
1101 29th Avenue,
Oakland, CA 94601
Fax: 510.535.5601
Phone: 510.535.5602
Relay Service 711
For Urgent Service:
Call the Oakland Police
Non-Emergency Dispatch Line:
In cases of emergency, call 911 (land line) or 510-777-3211 (cell phone).
Quick links to: Adoptions, Lost and Found Pets, Dog Licensing
Jan 1 & 20, Feb 17, Mar 31, May 26, June 19,
Jul 4, Sep 1, Nov 11, Nov 27 & 28, Dec 25
Randi says
Happy New Year OAS!
Love, Louie aka Spud
Heather says
Dakota (formerly Fred) adopted me on July 6, 2014 a few months after my 15 yr old Roxie transitioned to Rainbow Bridge. My home and heart were sad and lonely so I went to OAS to see who needed a home. Dakota was laying in his cage with his paws “making biscuits” when our eyes met. He has the sweetest blue eyes and an even sweeter personality. Thank you OAS! =^..^=
Randi says
Playing with my brother and sister.
Randi says
Hi, it’s been awhile since I’ve shown you how handsome I am! This coming up Thanksgiving will be the 3rd year I’m spending with my family. I am so happy and so is my family! I play everyday with my brother and sister, we have so much fun! So, I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I’m thinking of them and to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Love from, Louie AKA Spud!
Randal Blair says
I adopted “Lola” at a Maddie’s Day event 2 years ago and she has truly rescued me. She is 55 lbs. of love, affection, and goofiness. She loves everyone and is known by just about everyone in the neighborhood. She was about two years old when she came home with me. Still has to be introduced to other dogs very, very slowly and carefully, but other than that, she is a pure joy!
Merritt says
My husband and I just had our 1 year anniversary of adopting our furry child Merritt ( old name was Beau) . Was truly can’t imagine a better dog to have in our lives !! Merrit is playful, friendly, and loving ! He loves going to hikes , playing with any dogs who are up for a good wrestle 🙂 ! When we are out and about everyone loves to come up and give him pets and kisses ! Merritt has truly changed our lives forever and we feel like he was waiting at the shelter for us to fund him! He was there for over a month and to this day we can’t believe someone else didn’t pick up this perfect pooch! Thank you Oakland Animal Services for giving us Merritt!!
Caroline and Ben says
It’s been almost one month since we’ve adopted Jackson (formerly known as Ronald) into our home, and the little guy has brought us so much joy. We are getting to know each other better and better everyday. His previous family trained him, and everything he learned is coming back to him easily with practice and consistency. He is a snuggler, a great communicator, and has the agility of a professional athlete. We love him! Thank you, Oakland Animal Shelter, for taking care of him until he made his way to us.
Martha Evans says
This is Vigo – three years after I adopted him from Oakland Animal Services the day before Maddie’s Adoption Day – but I was afraid to lose him and took him home on my lunch break from work. My 20 year old cat had died – and my mother two weeks before. But I saw his video and knew he was the kind of curious, spunky, cat I wanted. He is a lovely animal, an indoor cat with lots of toys but gets to be on the enclosed porch – gentle and very playful, and very smart. I couldn’t be happier. Now to make some room and get him a companion!
Set says
I’ve been volunteering at OAS for a few years now. I volunteered because I love dogs but didn’t think I had the time to have my own dog due to work, the cats, etc. December 2012 I heard there was a dog that needed a bath and after I gave Betsy (now Mango) a bath I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was so patient while I worked through her matts. One thing led to another.. My boss said I could bring her to work, I thought she may just be mellow enough to get along with the cats… so I took a risk and she’s been our newest addition for almost 2 years now. She’s the most gentle sweet dog and loves everyone, even the cats. She goes to work with me almost every day and is the office therapy dog giving out hugs to the stressed out amongst us. Thank you to OAS and FOAS for taking care of her before we could.
Kim Nguyen says
I adopted Max (formerly Nico) a beautiful 10 month old poodle mix (stray) during Maddie’s Adoption 2013 event. He was a little scared, confused, and had kennel cough while at the shelter. Today, he is he is a healthy thriving, happy-go-lucky, energetic bundle of sweetness and joy. He always alert me of ongoings outside, loves to fetch, eat treats, take car rides, loves long walks, and play with his adopted doggie brother. He has learned some basic commands and have taken a few classes offered at OAS. Everywhere I go, Max is a rock star and get along with old, young, people and other dogs. People tell me how handsome and sweet he is and He keeps me company and puts a smile on my face every day. He provides me with much stress relief with his hilarious antics, is the best dance partner, and comforts me when I’m down. The volunteers here did a wonderful job in helping me through the process to get Max. Maddie’s event made it easier for me to adopt a dog with its funding. Thank you OAS and Maddie. Max is my angel on earth who rescued me!
Kim says
We adopted Minnie (formerly Mochi) from OAS in May. She is so happy, affectionate and playful, a wonderful cat, and so beautiful! We love her tremendously and she is the perfect addition to our family. Thank you!
Graham Quigley says
I adopted Sandy in August 2014 and we both hit the jackpot! I’m an animal acupuncturist and specialize in treating anxiety cases with acupuncture, massage and Chinese Herbs. She goes on long walks, and gets the best food. Her teeth had been worn most likely from gnawing on a chain in her past life. I gave her a dried cod fish stick and said, “That’s what those teeth were meant to do!” Saliva was everywhere. She’s getting over the trauma of her past abuse and neglect, time as a stray, and her month at OAS. She loves to snuggle in the mornings! There are some wonderful dogs at the shelter, and very friendly staff and volunteers who know the dogs.. THANK YOU!!!
Loren says
I have been a volunteer at OAS since February of 2013.
I have wanted a dog for 20 years, but it was never the right time. The right time FINALLY came in May of 2014. I expected to look for a while, wanting the “right” dog and not rushing.
Charlie had come to the shelter as a stray and didn’t even have a name yet. I had expected to get a boy, so I named her Charlie after one of my favorite basketball players, Charles Barkley. I thought the Barkley fitting, and thought this shy little girl could use some of his sass. Well, it worked! Charlie is the darling of several playgroups at doggy daycares and makes me laugh every single day. Her personality is still blossoming, and she is the delight of my life, sweet and sassy and always happy.
Amanda says
Mallomar is a wonderful addition to our family. He loves playing with toy mice and spending time in his scratch lounge. His curiosity and quiet meow make me smile every day.
The OAS staff were welcoming and helpful. Thank you again!
Abigail Rocha says
We adopted Blanche during the 2014 Maddie’s Pet adoption weekend. It’d been 3 months and we’ve patiently waited for her to come out of her shell learning about her ways as she’s been learning about ours. She’s a 12 year old senior kitty with plenty of spirit. She’s blossomed into a playful, talkative, silly girl. Thank you OAS and staff for all the work you do and your part in helping add to our little family.
Melanie K. says
We adopted Cole a little bit over a month ago. That beautiful little rascal of a dog keeps us on our toes. We are definitely working on his bad puppy habits, but he is really turning out to be quite a big love bug. So thankful for having him in our lives.
Everardo says
My wife & I adopted Annie (who is now Isabella) during the 2014 Maddie’s Pet adoption weekend. Isabella has settled in with her new family in her forever home and enjoying her walks with her sister Angel (a pitbull mix), going to the beach, and long drives along the coast. Thank you OAS for bringing Isabella into our lives & our loving home!
Mary McMuldren says
We adopted Cleo 6/1/2013. She had some behavior issues but has been trained and is a very loving fun dog.
Brooke Anderson says
Hi OAS friends! Big thank you to all of you who worked Maddie’s adoption days last weekend. I adopted “Herschel” (who is now going by Pirate, or the spanish Pirata). We have had a wonderful week so far – he has been hiking up in the Berkeley hills, to the beach down along Hwy1, gardening in the Fruitvale, for walks around Lake Merritt, and to a number of parties. He is settling in to his new life quite well. Big thanks to volunteers Sue and Ron for helping me get set up with him!
Sabrina Peterson says
My boyfriend and I adopted Carson back in November of last year. He is the best thing that ever happened to us! It has been such an amazing experience to see him open up and develop over the last number of months. We certainly can’t imagine life without him, and we’re so thankful to be given the opportunity to adopt him from your wonderful shelter.
Thank you!
Sabrina, Max & Carson
Karen says
I adopted Calista last August, when she chose me, by sticking her paw out of the cage each time I passed by. She is a great addition to the family, and Lucy (also adopted from OAS) likes her too!
Corinne Raditch says
About a few weeks ago I had gotten word from the Oakland Animal Shelter about a 1yr old Chi/Terrier mix female that is up for adoption. So I took an extra trip to the shelter to meet her. Her name is Josie. After spending a couple days with her I fell in love with her right off. So did my fiance. She has now been part of our family for three weeks. She became my life, love and my little girl all wrapped into one.
bea hartman says
Jasper (formerly 20529) and Sylvester (formerly Tux) are both OAS alumns, and now best buddies. Many thanks are due to all your wonderful volunteers, especially Pat for her savvy counseling on dog-cat introduction!
Megan says
We got Finn (formerly Sean) from OAS back in October 2013. He’s been an amazing dog and over the last couple of months he’s won over the hearts of just about everyone–my family, the neighbors, the grouchy old dog downstairs, the people at the dog park. My husband and I share a backyard with our neighbors and their visiting granddaughter cried when she had to leave Finn to go home. When we move out of this apartment (which only allows us to have one dog) we hope to get a friend for Finn, and we will definitely go back to OAS. Thanks!
Jennifer Moline says
I was devastated when the cat I had for 12 years passed away, and I went to the Oakland Animal Shelter a month afterward to meet Tango. I’ve always wanted an orange cat, but Tango here is more creamsicle. He loves batting around catnip toys, as seen here, and jumping on my back and giving me nuzzles.
J.R. Moase and Maureen Leahy says
We adopted Skippy (now Stinky) in December 2013. We had just lost our 14 year old Beagle, Stewie to cancer after a long battle. In March we lost our Welsh Terrier, Ozzy also 14 after a gallbladder removal that resulted in fatal organ shutdown. He was my boy. It sounds strange but what makes me feel better is to give another kid a chance. We are allowed 4 dogs and we had an opening. Adopted a little 10 month old Beagle/Dachshund mix who is now Stinky’s best friend! Meet Penny!
We really were surprised how nice the Oakland facility was. The people couldn’t have been nicer or more helpful. Thank you so much for bringing Stinky into our lives…:)
Sandra Sotello says
Last year in August we adopted Cookie (Jazmin). She was a hot mess physical and mentally but now she is doing so well and is our little love. She is so lovable caring and always by mommy’s side. Thank you so much.
alicia cicairos says
I wanted to give you guys an update on “thunder” now Buster be was 8 months old Purebred rottweiler when we picked him up the day after Christmas. He now is my best friend no matter what type of day I’m having he’s always there wagging his stump Lol. But he is in training to be a therapy dog an splash dog, So by next school year he can be in my classroom with me. He loves hiking an the dog park just a much as his love for people he loves all dogs too. Just wanted to say thanks for one great dog. He’s a favorite where ever be goes. Here’s a few pics of him now. He was 83lbs now he’s about 110+
Liz says
Hello! I wanted to write and tell you about Ailise, the rabbit I adopted from OAS in January 2013. She’s a wonderful companion and hugely entertaining! She has a 22 square foot indoor area and a 50 square foot outdoor “hutch” next to the secured patio (which is a further 160 square feet) for supervised daytime play. Her favourite things are her rolling treat ball, eating dandelion greens and doing huge “binkies” on the patio! I wanted to write to encourage others to adopt rabbits from OAS and other shelters, since there are so many that need loving homes. Thank you for all you do! I’ve attached a recent picture of her eating some carefully selected weeds (dandelion and nasturtium). Thank you again!
Jessica says
Hello – We adopted Ruthie (formerly Sunny) from OAS almost 3 years ago. I am so thankful that the other dog we originally came to see was already in the process of getting adopted when we arrived! Ruthie’s stubborn and cunning and an exercise machine! I love her so much and she’s been such a positive addition into my life. Thank you to all the staff and volunteers at OAS. Your work has touched so many lives! She and her brother Lou are also couch hogs. Love, Jessica and Ruthie
Jennifer Norris says
It’s been almost 5 years since we adopted Sugarbear (formerly TINY) as a 2 month old. At the time he was just a crazy fur ball full of energy and razor sharp puppy teeth–the only reasons we could ever imagine someone surrendering him. Nowadays he is a star wherever he goes and has an ability to touch every person’s heart not only with his handsome looks but with his sweet and funny disposition as well. We love him beyond words and he completes our (TINY) family!
The Bowens says
We adopted Nyx (formerly Clover), a CoJack (corgi and Jack Russell) in August.
She has been an absolute delight and has befriended and bedeviled our rescue basset Gus, helping him (and us) get over the loss of our wonderful dachshund.
Nyx has shown that mixed breeds are every bit as fun and wonderful as a purebred and that an adult dog from the streets can happily become a sofa dog in just a few days.
She is a part of our family and we couldn’t be more grateful to Oakland Animal Services for rescuing her and helping us find her!
Elizabeth Ward says
My goodness- it has been three months since the story above about Gigi – Here is a new photo. She has been with me now for six months and just look at her now – a Happy, Healthy & proud little Dog ( who thinks she’s a People )
From Gigi & Me
Elly Mak says
When I first met Heidi(now Tangie), I felt like she is meant to be in a part of my life, she was very shy, but when I start hugging her, she start purring, my heart melt. she loves to hide, but now not as shy as she was, she grow a lot, and she loves to be pet, if I stop pet her, she will meow and ask for more. She is very adorable,and a big purer,
I just love her so much .
Elizabeth Ward says
On February 13th. It will be five months since I first held my little forlorn & frightened Gigi ( a poodle/Bichon cross ) weighing in at five lbs, very frightened and with stained & thin fur. She became the light of my life and slowly became the wonderful confident dog she was meant to be. Thank you so much to OAS and all the wonderful volunteers who found her for me – they say a picture is worth a thousand words – Here’s GIGI !
Nicole Perelman says
This is a video link to Samson (formerly Benicio) playing with Molly (formerly Elizabeth). Both our fur babies were adopted from OAS and we couldn’t love them more!! (and they love each other too)
Roger & JoAnn Silk says
We adopted “Gracie” last February 2013 and she has become our adopted little girl…she goes everywhere with us in fact she has gone on a 6000 mile trip with us last fall….thru the Teton Mts, Yellowstone park, Jackson Hole, Wy. and many more places…all the way up to lake superior….she has played in the snow and loved it..and every where that we go people are just so awe by her love of people….don’t know what we would do without her…so THANK YOU so much for our “Gracie Girl”…
Maureen Leahy says
We adopted this little kid in December. He is now part of our family. He was Skippy he’s now Stinky. He loves to play with our cats especially his friend Gnocchi. Thank you for the wonderful experience at your shelter…:)
Amanda Sava says
Almost three years later and I still like I was the luckiest person at the shelter the day I adopted Sangria, now Merryweather. She has to be the most amazing cat I’ve ever had – she chases and fetches and waits at the door for me when she knows I’m coming home. Of course she has some cat like qualities too, like lots of purringand yowling and head books. The two of us couldn’t be happier. The K you OAS!
Alina and Peter says
Do you guys remember Vinnie?
It’s so awesome that his shelter profile is still up 🙂
I bet Vinnie remembers you! OAS was the best thing that happened to him, so how could he not? 🙂 He’s still a playful, social, talking cat and we still love him to death 🙂 He has a funny walk, but that doesn’t stop him from doing crazy laps around the house. I think there’s some dog in him. He follows us around and greets everyone at the door 🙂 His favorite toys are shoes! The stinkier, the better! Here he is guarding 3 treasured pairs 🙂 Oh, did I mention he’s 15 lbs now?… Yeah, I know… We’re working on it 🙂
THANK YOU for all you do.
Katherine Rothschild says
Winnie Cooper (Winona) has been with us for four months now, and she’s doing great. She might not be as good at math as her namesake, but she is a fantastic string catcher, cuddler, and sun-finder. She puts up with two kids gracefully and never puts out her claws when she jumps out from under furniture to terrify my husband. What a great cat!
Lorraine Hoey says
Hello! I brought Nellie (now Calliope) home just this past Tuesday after signing the papers on Sunday. When I was at the shelter on Sunday, I was told Nellie was fearful and the shelter wanted only an experienced cat owner to adopt her. I told them of my experience and of my cat at home, Gryphon, a 10 month old kitten who was very playful and liked having another cat around. My hope was that Gryphon would help bring Nellie out of her shell.
When Nellie came home, she was fearful indeed, as expected. But I gave her a safe space, lots of toys, food, and let her be. Then, just a few days ago, something magical happened – she and Gryphon began to play! They scamper all over the apartment, racing to see who can get up the cat tree first, playing peekaboo with the curtains and chasing each other everywhere. They’re at it every morning and night. Nellie just loves Gryphon. She has become so much more confident just in the past few days. This morning, when Gryphon crawled on top of me for pets and cuddles, she followed, crawling onto me herself demanding pets and cuddles from both of us.
Nellie isn’t fully over her fearfulness of people, but I’m glad to say that she’s getting there and has already made incredible progress in less than a week!
Cash Mattel and Hank Dawn says
Cash and Hank were found on the streets of Oakland together, were brought into OAS together, held together, and when a cage in the front emptied they moved to display together. They’re brothers, they loved each other so much, they had been through so much together; we couldn’t take them away from each other. So we adopted them together. Back in October, still wet from the anti-fungal, Cash and Hank were adopted, and we brought them home a week later. Now they play together, they eat together, they sleep together, and they wrestle together. Most importantly though, they are still together and still love each other so much. Thank you OAS.
Elizabeth Ward says
Here is an update on me (GIGI) I was rescued from roaming the streets in Oakland CA and taken to Oakland Animal Shelter Services (Thank God) a wonderful no-kill shelter where they took very good care of me until “Thank Dog I Am Out” folks here in Vancouver,BC found me a new Mom & Home.I wa a skinny undernourished little thing who had given birth to puppies and just left on the street. I was so hungry & had chewed myself all over. 3 months now since I found my furever home – “JUST LOOK AT ME NOW” !
John Niles and Leslie Bandy says
Olive has been our good buddy for one fun- and love-filled month now. She came from OAS a very happy girl, but was initially was little rambunctious, and uneasy and unruly while on walks. Over the last month she has become a champ out on the trails and is very respectful of other people and dogs, and she has excelled at training. She loves off-leash trail-hiking and playing on the beach above all, but can mix it up at the dog-park once she gets into the swing of things. Also, we are very happy that she has slowly but surely become play and nap buddies with our cat, Bonkers. Thanks to OAS for helping bring Olive into our lives!
Sweety pie says
We adopted Sweety Pie (now Nellie),5 months ago. She has had adjusting to do and every day is becoming more trusting of her new family. She’s able to spend the day with me at work and has a BFF that she’s able to play with every day. I would urge people who want to adopt an animal to visit a shelter as we’ve been so happy and blessed with our decision.
Michelle Jasper says
We adopted Lola back in July of this year. We knew she was something special when we had at least 3 vouch for her at the shelter, saying she was truly the best dog. They were right. She is an amazing dog! Our family is so lucky to be able to give her such a great home. We are also lucky that she gives us so much happiness and love.
Thank YOU!
Charlotte Moon says
We adopted Stoney from OAS in February 2011, and this is to let you know that we adored him from the first time we saw his Petfinders video (set to the old hit “He’s Walking on Sunshine”!)and even more when we had our first visit with him. He is now about 4 years old and the apple of our eye. Many thanks to the kind volunteers and staff who helped with our adoption process and who keep it going every day for these precious creatures.
Jackie Brennan says
Hi All Just wanted to send you an update on Dina (who is now Trixie Lorraine Brennan) We adopted her from Oakland Animal Services in July 2013 after our 13 year old dog suddenly passed away- she’s the best little puppy we could have ever wanted and she has become an integral part of our home and gets along really great with our 4 cats (she is crate trained and LOL one of our cats likes to hang out/nap in the crate with her!) Photo is Trixie at 13 months (last week), full grown, 6lbs 13 oz.
Best wishes for many more happy homes for animals at Oakland Animal Services.
The Brennan Family
Elizabeth Ward says
Hello Everyone at OAS! It is a little over 3 months since I adopted my little Gigi from Oakland Animal Shelter in CA. We live in Vancouver, BC. Just look at the photo of Gigi now – she is the light of my life & is a wonderful, smart & playful little Angel, I am so happy she is with me especially at this time of year (I won’t be alone.) She loves her walks (now 30 blocks a day !) Once again I want to thank all the Staff at “OAS” & “Susan at Thank Dog I am OUT” for this little girl. Merry Christmas to All ! From Gigi & Me. XO