The lovely dog to the left is Serena, a former long-term resident at OAS, who is now happily in a home with a Dad and Mom who love her! Isn’t it obvious?
Have you adopted a pet from Oakland Animal Services?
Oakland’s only open admissions shelter
The lovely dog to the left is Serena, a former long-term resident at OAS, who is now happily in a home with a Dad and Mom who love her! Isn’t it obvious?
Have you adopted a pet from Oakland Animal Services?
For services such as bringing in stray animals, general questions, etc. For adoptions, see separate hours below.
Mon 11-5pm
Tue by appointment*
Wed by appointment*
Thu 11-7pm
Fri 11-5pm
Sat 11-5pm
Sun 11-5pm
*call 510-535-5602
See adoption process here.
Thu 12-7pm
Fri 12-3pm
Sat 12-3pm
Sun 12-3pm
Proud recipient of funding from Maddie’s Fund® #ThanksToMaddie
1101 29th Avenue,
Oakland, CA 94601
Fax: 510.535.5601
Phone: 510.535.5602
Relay Service 711
For Urgent Service:
Call the Oakland Police
Non-Emergency Dispatch Line:
In cases of emergency, call 911 (land line) or 510-777-3211 (cell phone).
Quick links to: Adoptions, Lost and Found Pets, Dog Licensing
Jan 1 & 20, Feb 17, Mar 31, May 26, June 19,
Jul 4, Sep 1, Nov 11, Nov 27 & 28, Dec 25
Pradipta Ghosh says
My husband and I are volunteer alumni of Oakland Animal Shelter. We adopted our two pit-mix dogs nine and eleven years ago, respectively. Our lives remain as enriched by them today as the first days we brought them home. Peace
Ariana Dixon says
I adopted snuggy about 1 year ago she has brought so much joy she is the most cuddly kitty ever snuggy fits her she follows me everywhere and loves to just lay right next to me thank you for helping me find her I didn’t choose her she chose me.
Ty and Ali Roskowski says
My wife and I adopted Aspen (Formerly Darlene) this last September from OAS. She is the love of our lives! Thank you OAS for helping us make this possible. The staff of OAS were very motivated to help us make the adoption possible. They were informative and pleasant to work with, and accommodating as well. They really seemed like they care. Aspen is more than we could have imagined and we can’t see the whole situation having worked out any better. We are actually grateful she had kennel cough and was not housed up front where other’s would have seen her and adopted her right away. Anyway, our experience with OAS was great and it will be hard to convince ourselves not to adopt another dog from them.
Randi says
Hi again OAS!
Remember me, I was named Spud while I was in your care 5 years ago. As you all know now, my name is Louie. I’m the dark brown handsome guy and the tan girl leaning her head on me is my sister. We were pretty tired that night. Take care everyone.
Love Louie and Family
Shifra Pride Raffel says
We adore our cat Geeshie, formerly known as Greta, who we adopted a year ago from OAS via Cat Town’s foster to adopt program. She is totally the light of our lives. Some good Samaritan brought her into OAS unable to walk, but OAS nursed her back to health and she is now bouncy, sassy and just the most loving and lovable pet we could have imagined. We have a Facebook page for her with a whole bunch of photos in case you want to see!
Thank you a million OAS!!
Sabina says
We adopted Benito (aka formerly Benicio) in March 2016. He wasn’t there with you long before we picked him up but now he’s the joy of our lives. Benito is now almost 10 months old and built like a horse. He enjoys every day with us and his many friends in the area. We are never far apart since one of us is with him all the time. He ended up looking like part Rhodesian ridgeback! Thank you guys so much. Without you, we would have never found our baby, Benito.
David Wong says
I want to thank OAS for taking good care of Dozer while he was in their care! Dozer continues to receive lots of love and attention from everyone he meets, and endless compliments from strangers walking by. He has since picked up a new career in modeling (as long as there are treats involved). Complete goofball and very trusting.
Katherine says
Thanks so much for Monty! Our orange fluffball has gotten along fabulously with his two new sisters who love to snuggle with him and keep him tidy. Us humans love snuggle time with Monty too – even when he wakes us up at 3am for cuddles. It’s so cute how he likes following us around the house and talking to us – or just relaxing with his back to our ankles wherever we’re standing. We still aren’t fluent in Feline, but we have learned the command for ‘scratch my head’. Monty also has made our sedate household much livelier with his hunting games. He’s still working on his technique, he’s gotten very good at the running part of hunting… just not the stopping.
We’re so grateful to OAS for taking such great care of Monty while he was there – he is such a sweet and trusting kitty and we know it’s because of the love that the staff there gave him. Thank you so much!
Kate Randolph says
We recently adopted Pepper (fka Lila) – and as far as dogs go, we think we hit the jackpot! Pepper has been such an awesome addition to our family. She was a bit unsure at first, but over the weeks she’s been opening up into a goofy, loving, playful and highly intelligent dog. We’re so lucky we found each other! Best parts so far: morning snuggles and belly rubs between Pepper and my 7 year old daughter, long off-leash walks, teaching Pepper new tricks (she is a quick study!), and seeing her adjust to a comfortable happy family life.
Big thank you to Beth, Jess, and Martha who gave us a lot of support in our journey to find Pepper. We’re so grateful for all that you do!
Phoebe says
Hello! I adopted Noe (Formerly Kingston) at the beginning of this year. He has been such a wonderful surprise and adopting him is one of the best things I have ever done. He is learning quickly how to be in the world with the existing skills he already had and he has also taught me a thing or two in return! I’m so grateful to have found him through OAS and am so glad your service is there to help place homeless and neglected animals with someone who will love them. Thank you!
Rhonda says
On clear the shelters day we had the blessing of adopting two amazing German Shepherds Zoe and Zeus (formerly known as Fritz ). Our new family members are wonderful and I’m s o thankful to the staff for all of their support and encouragement.
Kelly McGrath says
This was my facebook post for National Dog Day:
“As good as I can get. Happy National Dog Day 2016. Happy mutts from Oakland Animal Shelter. Bella (6), Leo (10), and Brianna’s adorable dorky pup Uno (11 months). ”
Our family adopted Leo from the Shelter when he was two months old, and our children were young. 4 years later we were back to add his happy, kissing, tail walloping sister Bella to the family. On this past Valentine’s Day, our no-longer-little daughter adopted her own Oaktown Mutt, Uno. He visits when she’s home from college and all three have a blast together. So much love! Can’t imagine life without these guys who greet us with smiles, kisses, and wiggles EVERY DAY!
Samantha says
Our fur baby is a snuggle bunny. We are so lucky to have her, thank you OAS!
Erin says
My husband and i adopted Yogi (who was Winslow at the shelter) at the end of June. He has been the best friend i could ever hope for. Thanks to all the staff who helped us find the one! He’s happy and well.
Kirsten says
Our little Pickle puss was very little when we first met him, a feral rescue, and even though he was under-the-weather as well, he stretched out a paw in sweet greeting from his kitty hammock sick bed and was as playful and charming as he could be. Pickle loves to take stalk and run walks with Lucy dog and I around the block and lets our 5 year son carry him about on occasion and they often run laps together in the early morning with the help of a dangly cat toy. Pickle is sunshine and love and lots fun too! A purrrrrfect puss for us <3 ! P.S. And yes, he and Christofur Rabbit get along too, but we are looking again for a buddy to help out cat herding since there is a size advantage there 😉
Rachel Konte says
We adopted the most wonderful male pitt bull Greyson from the animal shelter this spring.
Greyson was an easy choice. He loves people and he was really the one who chose us by putting his enormous head on our lap at the first visit. We knew we had a gentle soul in a big bears body and he has been nothing but great joy to our family and friends. These days he spends his time between our house and our back yard and being the loving mascot of the crew from R B C Roasters in Fruitvale. Everybody LOVE Greyson.
kate dobbins says
OAS picked me up off the streets, gave me food & shelter when I was terrified.
A woman from Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue took me to BAGSR’s shelter where there was more space, and I began to calm down a little. Then she gave me to Kate, a volunteer who had first seen me when I was cowering in the OAS kennel.
I’m so grateful to the OAS people who found, cared for, and passed me on. That was two years ago. Now I’m feeling secure and gaining confidence. I wake up every day ready for adventure.
Thank you! OAS.
William and Heidi Quan says
Oh, Hello there. My name is Trudy. Or Trudy bootie. Or Trudy Quan-Boone. Or the Notorious TQB. Or waddles (if you ask my grandmother). Or whatever the heck else they call me. I’ve stopped paying attention, they talk too much but are very comfortable to walk on at 4 am. I also like to curl up between their legs and cover my face like a sea otter. (I’m cute and very self assured if you hadn’t noticed).
I am a Black, regal, fat cat. I met the people that I’m staying with about a year ago and they seem like nice folks, especially the tall guy that feeds me. I was adopted at 4 months old and have been very happy with them for the last year. I’ve been well cared for and my new parents seem to love me very much. That is when I haven’t jumped on their bladder at 4 am (this is kinda my thing). I have a wonderful older sister (we play fight every morning 🙂 and I think a cousin (he looks like a bird but I’m not sure and he makes fun of my voice). Also, I’ve just started going outside with their permission.
I very much appreciate the opportunity afforded me to find this wonderful home (even if I might get diabetic from them indulging my desires to eat) I sleep with the people every night they’re home and they seem to love me none the less regardless of the 4 am thing. At any rate, I recommend that you come down and check out my brothers and sisters at Oakland Animal Services and give them good homes like I have now.
Sue Rose says
This is Zooey, who has been a big part of our family for four years, since we met her at the shelter. She is the sweetest girl — so affectionate , happy and energetic. She goes with us everywhere, including sailing, and brings us so much joy! Life is sweeter with her in it.
Randi says
Hi OAS! It’s been some time since I’ve said ” hi”, I’ve been really busy playing and hanging out. I think I’ve been with my family for about 5 years now. I wanted to show you all this picture of me, the zipper on one of my bed covers ripped and I decided to use it as my sleeping bag. My mom wanted to throw it out, but I explained to her how I love it! Take care everyone.
Love, Louie aka Spud
Emma Bishop-Moser says
It has been just over a year since I adopted Bluebird (formerly Hannah) and she has been the best, funniest, most cuddly dog in the world. Her best friend is a 15 year old dog named Suki! Yesterday, Birdy was surrounded by friends as we celebrated her 1 year adoptiversary! We will be moving to Kansas where I will be attending vet school in the fall and we are both very excited to see the snow!
Morgan Harrow says
We adopted Bueller (FKA Titus) back in November 2015 and can’t imagine life without him. When we got Bueller, he was amazing with people but an aggressive disaster with any dog. We weren’t quite sure what we’d gotten ourselves into (plus, having a GSD in a one bedroom apartment seemed a bit counter-intuitive).
Since then, he has become completely socialized with other dogs and has become an integral part of our family and friend circle. He goes everywhere with us and is immediately loved by everyone (and every dog!). Looking forward to many more years of hiking, playing fetch, snuggling, and eating peanut butter with this guy.
Maria echaveste says
Jordan is a great addition to our family and he is very happy in his forever home.
Kate says
Literally from the second I brought Gary, short for Garfield (was originally Stewart) home it was honestly true love. We cuddle every night and he follows me everywhere I go. I don’t think I’ve ever loved an animal this much. He is honestly my best friend and everyone I know comments on how strange it was that he bonded with me and the new house instantaneously! It was just meant to be…
Molly Janis says
I adopted Kailua, now Cayenne, 6 years ago from OAS. He was mangey, scared, and yet we could still perceive his loving nature. The volunteers explained that he had been surrendered with his family, but he was the only dog that had clearly been abused and neglected. About 2-3 months after we adopted him, he blossomed. He is the most loyal dog I’ve ever met, always keeping me in his sight when we walk in the woods. He is a big “leaner,” cuddling into your legs to show affection. We have moved to Minneapolis, MN, and he has a sister now. Thank you for giving him a second chance at happiness!
Melissa says
I brought Ziggy home with me last September. He was very shy and skittish at first, but I knew it was only a matter of time before we got to see his personality. In six months, he has really come out of his shell. He loves to play with other dogs and positions himself for pets from people. He loves to go hiking, to snooze in the sun and to fetch a ball. Lucky us, he gets to come with me to work, too! I’m so happy I went to the shelter that day! Life with Ziggy is awesome!
Ruth Dixon-Mueller says
Leon Trotsky (NOT the name he came with when I adopted him in January 2012!) surveys the scene from the roof of a floating home in Barnhill Marina on the Oakland estuary. He’s not allowed on the docks but happily scrambles up the spiral staircase to the rooftop deck. Sometimes he can see neighboring cats on THEIR rooftop decks!
Brittany says
I adopted Maleficent in April – about 9 months ago. When she came home, she was scared of humans, scared of sounds, scared of being picked up. These days, she’s still a scaredy cat in a lot of ways, but she’s the happiest, goofiest, most loving pet I could imagine. She purrs when I come home from work and we snuggle. She flips and rolls around on the floor when she’s energetic and happy. And when she’s reeeaally content, she just sticks her face on my face and demands all of my attention. I am so lucky I happened to come to Oakland Animal Services that day, because she has made me a much happier person.
Heather Jassem says
My Husband and I adopted Merritt then Bruno over 2 years ago . Our world revolves around him he is our furry child. We took advantage of the free obidence class at OAS as well as became Good Canine Certified in another training class. We love to take him everywhere with us ! He loves everyone he meets human and dog alike.Merritt and our cat Stella have become buddies after a slow and steady process of getting to know eachoker and are now cuddle buddies . We always are shocked he wasn’t snatched up sooner he was at the shelter for 5 weeks and we truly belive he was waiting for us ! We cant picture our lives with out him !
Marie Semana says
We adopted our sweet Korra (Rhoda) Dec 21,2015. And our lives became lovelier! Such an amazing dog! She’s a very gentle dog to everyone. My 4 year old never laughed so hard everytime she plys with Korra. Thank you OAS!
Jennifer says
I adopted my first cat from you guys in April 2008. Ziggy was a 4 months old tuxedo cat, and to this day, I still cannot believe I only paid $10 for him because he was a “black cat”. He is now 7 years old and has a new tortie sister with lots of tortitude to keep him on his toes. 🙂
Shawna says
I brought home Shawna (on the left), who’s now “Storm.” She’s already deeply loved and has made a best friend in Syd, my other dog, very quickly. She’s wonderful. A great fit, very loving, very sweet.
Ruthie Keidel says
Thank you to OAS for introducing me to Hudson! I’m so lucky he picked me to foster, then adopt him. I thought life was already pretty great, but Hudson has made it even better: we walk multiple times a day, we play ball whenever and wherever we can, and that wagging tail and happy face gets me every time. He is such a sweet, big, handsome boy, I can’t imagine my life without him. Thank you to all those at OAS and PALS who encouraged us and supported us and are now cheering us on!
Randi says
Hi everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve said “hello”. I’m always so busy playing and by the time I stop, I’m too tired to send a picture for all of you to see how I’ve grown up. Remember me, I’m spud! I’ve been Louie for 4 years now. I wish everyone a very safe and Happy Holiday season.
Love, Louie aka Spud
Sandra Ferrer says
We adopted Kino three years ago at OAS. My daughter, who was 9 at the time, was the one who wanted a dog. Now none of us can imagine being without him! He is a wonderful companion, and though he was already about 5 years old when adopted, he is still learning new tricks! He has filled our lives with the love and companionship that only a doggy pal can! Thanks for our Kino!!
Karen Smith says
Just wanted to send an update on Pandemonium (Viola) and Delirium (Vera) who have been with me for a month. Pande took a little longer to make herself comfortable but is always the first to explore new spaces and is also the first to knock things off the coffee table. She now enjoys a good petting session every morning. Deli definitely has earned her new name, she goes after cat treats and toys with her whole heart. Her time is the evening and loves to knead.
Thanks again, there is nothing quite like watching them chasing each other in there forever home.
Jennifer Munoz says
I adopted Casper (aka Jaxx now) on Halloween! I could not be happier! I spent two days searching for pitbulls! I found your ads on petfinder and watched videos!! Who does that?? Oakland Animal Services is top of the line! Your email communication, professionalism, volunteers, and employees are amazing! The dogs are well feed and even trained! Your Director rocks!!
Kate Van Der Riet says
About a month ago we brought home Bodhi, fka Maxwell under the foster to adopt program. We adopted him 2 weeks later! Everyone at the shelter was great! We visited with him several times before we brought him home. We were looking for a medium energy dog about 40 lbs. Bodhi is a big 70 lbs boy with the perfect medium energy and a sweet disposition. I can only rave about everyone at the shelter – the people on the desk were amazing; patient, honest and encouraging. The volunteers were also great; knowledgable, honest and engaged. We had lots of questions about our potential pup, his breed and the shelter. Everyone we spoke with was so helpful. This is our local shelter and we are proud to have supported and adopted from them. Bodhi is wonderful addition to our family – thank you OAS!
Melvi and Ernest says
SKEETERS has been with us for a month, He is our study budy when we both study. If he want attention, he will come with us and lay down on our laptop. He is so energetic, really sweet and he acts like a dog. He follows orders and is smart. We really love him like our baby!
Michealle says
It’s hard to believe, but 5 years ago, at a cat-special adoption event, I adopted the best chest-sitting, walk-stalking, study-buddying cat a girl could ask for. He was called Flannigan, and renamed to Haskell. He follows me everywhere, even when I walk my kids to school, and grooms his fluff on my schoolbooks every evening.
Ariana dixon says
I adopted Ellie about year and 1/2 ago she is a great cat I got her when she was a year old she is loving and is always greeting me at the door when I get home and always reminds me to give her, her snacks. Thank you for helping me find her.
Mike & Blanca Johnson says
Good afternoon OAS.
Domino (previously known as Antonio) joined our family almost 3 months ago and he has been such a joy! He is super silly and loving!! He enjoys his daily walks, rolling around in the grass, and lounging around on the sofa. He must also think he weighs less than his 70lbs because he loves leaning or laying on anyone who is showing him love!
Our two children adore him and he was even able to be a part of our wedding! He fits in perfectly!
Thank you so much for taking care of our “baby boy” before we could!
Maggie says
I’ve been Makai’s human for just over 2 weeks, and am smitten! She’s fantastic. Her full name is Pinapple Makai in honor of her being Apple when she was there.
Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who care for so many animals. Thank you for my dog 🙂
Daniel McKeown says
We adopted Maple about a year ago. She is a wonderful pet and she is particularly close to our son. She also gets along great with our other cat Montgomery.
Gary & Nancy Dowell says
Zeus decided to adopt us May 31st. He started out shy and tentative but after only 2 weeks hes running with our other dogs and even waking my son up in the morning ( by jumping on him in his bed along with our younger pup). He is such a love bug and we are happy he decided to make our home his forever home.
Myles says
I adopted Myra (formerly Lychee) last summer! She has blossomed so much and the two of us are super bonded. We moved down to San Diego, and she is quite happy to have so much time in the sunshine and none of that (apparently very scary to her!) rain. She is leash trained and weirdly enough, absolutely loves to go outside on her leash and explore around the yard. I planted a little bed of cat grass for her inside, since she doesn’t get to go out much, and she’s obsessed haha! She nibbles and nuzzles it and takes lots and lots of naps on it. Thanks again for connecting me with this little angel, she’s an absolute blessing 🙂
Paige says
In March I adopted Misty the cat. She is an older kitty. She is simply a wonderful pet. She stays quietly in the room with me when I am working, she does not climb the curtains or tear up the carpet or furniture and and she does her business in her box. Moreover, Misty is a very, very affectionate cat. She loves to be petted and be held, she sleeps with me and she even comes when I call her. What more could I ask for from a pet? She is an older cat. Don’t over look the older animal. They are easier to live with and many are just like Misty, they have lots of love to give. The 35 dollars I spent for her was a great investment because Misty really adds to the quality of my life.
Pat Miller says
Remember Me? “Fast Eddie” I was adopted from the shelter 2/24/13 (#14622)
I have grown into a large (and I am told)handsome dog and I’m still fast!
I live in the country with my older brother “Admiral Nelson”, a 12 year old Am-Staff, and lots of chickens, cats and other animals and I can run to my hearts content!
My Dad has taken up painting animal portraits and he says he will donate part of his fee to the shelter for any referrals from there.
Here is one of me I am quite pleased with!
Ashley Lunsford says
My 19 year old cat had passed away in October, but I love cats, so I decided to get a new companion. I met Humphrey at the shelter when her grumpy loud cat meow caught my attention. I read her bio and saw that she was missing teeth and was a “senior.” I also noticed that a chunk of her ear had been taken off. I thought, “clearly, this cat is awesome.” Long story short, she’s now my graduate school buddy, and I love her. She likes to nap, cuddle, and lick faces.
Steve Farlow & Linda Corell says
Fred Friendly is now 1 1/2 and has been with us since he was a tot. Unfortunately, Fred receives so much attention that he now runs our house. Fred owns us, not the other way around – and that’s fine by us. He’s good buddies with Sonny, our big boy, and they love to chase each other around at 5a. They are everything to us.